Our customer hagebau was looking for a suitable partner in the area of ​​dialogue marketing for the sales channel of the hagebaumärkte to further strengthen his hagebaumarkt partner card and to expand the topic of CRM. An exciting task that required a quick and very efficient selection process.

In a first strategy workshop, the challenges, goals and wishes to the new agency partner were discussed. After an extensive screening and an initial personal remote getting to know the agencies via MS-Teams, hagebau decided to do Engagement Workshops with three agencies – a great format
to develop initial strategic approaches together with the agency, but also to be creative and above all: getting to know each other better.

Jahns & Friends from Düsseldorf, who are now working together with hagebau on the further development of the partner card, were convincing across the board. We say: Congratulations!

Brigitte Klein

Head of customer card management and dialogue marketing

"For the revision of our customer card, we looked for an agency that should support us strategically but also creatively. Thanks to cherrypicker, who can fall back on an extensive network, the search for a suitable agency could run quickly and very comfortably alongside day-to-day business, without spending a lot of time on our part. The approach taken by Mr. Klein and his team was very wellprepared, efficient and quickly led to success. During the entire selection process, we felt very well looked after at cherrypicker. A fast process at a very high level!"

Maike Mertgens

Head of customer service

“The collaboration with cherrypicker was extremely professional and goal-oriented right from the start. From the first RFI to the final workshop session with the customer, both communication and the documents provided were transparent, detailed and very well prepared. Criteria and steps were comprehensible and it was clear at all times what needs the customer had and what expectations had to be met. You noticed that cherrypicker really has a good feeling and a detailed understanding of what a perfect match customer / agency means. Thank you very much - it was great fun with you."